Nomura DS Co., LTD

The company Nomura DS Co., LTD, is on the market since 2008 and already has more than 100 employees. The company is headquartered in Tokyo (Japan), service centers in Nagoya and Osaka.

The company practices strict quality control, which allows high quality reliable equipment. Nomura equipment is made by experienced craftsmen in special production conditions.

CNC Lathe machining centers 

Nomura DS Co., LTD

 The model range of machines provides: 
 Max. diam. of workpiece  from 16 till 32 mm
 Max. lenght of workpiece  from 160 till 190 mm
 Main drive power  from 2,2 till 5,5 kW
 Spindle speed  from 0-300 till 0-6000 rpm
 Number of tools in the turret  from 11 till 22
 A wide range of options by request

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