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Below are the addresses of the head office of the firm and its representative offices in other countries.
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Below are the addresses of the head office of the firm and its representative offices in other countries.
Head office:
Gesellschaftsitz: Mühlemattstrasse 13 · CH-4112 Bättwil, Switzerland
Büros: Nordring 10a · 3013 Bern, Switzerland
Tel: +41 (0) 31 332 21 53 ·
E-Mail: swissoffice@abplanalp-engineering. ch
Representation of the company “Abplanalp Engineering AG”
on the Central Asian region of the CIS and Transcaucasia:
Address: 100105, Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Mirabad district,
ul. Tallimarjon 1/1, office 3/4
Phone: (+99871) 2919234, 2919235
Fax: (+99871) 2919483
E-mail: info@abplanalp. uz